POST account/update_profile

POST account/update_profile

Sets some values that users are able to set under the "Account" tab of their settings page. Only the parameters specified will be updated.

Resource URL

Resource Information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? Yes (user context only)
Rate limited? Yes


Name Required Description Default Value Example
name optional Full name associated with the profile. Marcel Molina
url optional URL associated with the profile. Will be prepended with http:// if not present.
location optional The city or country describing where the user of the account is located. The contents are not normalized or geocoded in any way. San Francisco CA
description optional A description of the user owning the account. Flipped my wig at age 22 and it never grew back. Also: I work at Twitter.
include_entities optional The entities node will not be included when set to false . false
skip_status optional When set to either true , t or 1 statuses will not be included in the returned user object.

Example Request


Example Response

    "contributors_enabled": false,
    "created_at": "Thu Aug 23 19:45:07 +0000 2012",
    "default_profile": false,
    "default_profile_image": false,
    "description": "Keep calm and rock on.",
    "favourites_count": 0,
    "follow_request_sent": false,
    "followers_count": 0,
    "following": false,
    "friends_count": 10,
    "geo_enabled": true,
    "id": 776627022,
    "id_str": "776627022",
    "is_translator": false,
    "lang": "en",
    "listed_count": 0,
    "location": "San Francisco, CA",
    "name": "Sean Cook",
    "notifications": false,
    "profile_background_color": "9AE4E8",
    "profile_background_image_url": "",
    "profile_background_image_url_https": "",
    "profile_background_tile": false,
    "profile_image_url": "",
    "profile_image_url_https": "",
    "profile_sidebar_border_color": "BDDCAD",
    "profile_sidebar_fill_color": "DDFFCC",
    "profile_text_color": "333333",
    "profile_use_background_image": true,
    "protected": false,
    "screen_name": "s0c1alm3dia",
    "show_all_inline_media": false,
    "statuses_count": 0,
    "time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
    "url": "",
    "utc_offset": -28800,
    "verified": false