GET /2/usage/tweets

GET /2/usage/tweets

Get the Tweet usage within the context of a project

Endpoint URL

Authentication and rate limits

Authentication methods
supported by this endpoint

OAuth 2.0 App-only

Rate limit

App rate limit (Application-only): 50 requests per 15-minute window shared among all users of your app

Query parameters

numberThe number of days for which you need the Tweet usage for. You can get usage for upto 90 days.
enum (daily_client_app_usage, daily_project_usage)This parameter is used to specify if you want the daily usage returned and at a client app level.

Example code with offical SDKs

      (async () => {
  try {
    const getUsage =
      await twitterClient.usage.getUsage();
    console.dir(getUsage, {
      depth: null,
  } catch (error) {

      try {
    UsageResponse result = apiInstance.usage().getUsage();
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling UsageApi#getUsage");
    System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
    System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
    System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Example responses

Default Fields
Optional Fields
  "data": {
    "cap_reset_day": 10,
    "project_cap": "2000000",
    "project_id": "1281043626347900822499",
    "project_usage": "2007"
  "data": {
    "daily_client_app_usage": [
        "usage": [
            "date": "2023-11-01T00:00:00.000Z",
            "usage": "200"
        "client_app_id": "101111140",
        "usage_result_count": 1
    "project_cap": "2000000",
    "daily_project_usage": {
      "project_id": "1281043626347900822499",
      "usage": [
          "date": "2023-11-01T00:00:00.000Z",
          "usage": "200"
    "project_usage": "200",
    "cap_reset_day": 5,
    "project_id": "1281043626347900822499"

Response fields

project_idstringThe unique identifier for this project.
project_capstringThe total number of Tweets that can be read with this project per month.
project_usagestringThe total number of Tweets that have been read with this project in the current billing cycle.
cap_reset_dayintegerThe day of the month when the Tweet cap is reset.
daily_project_usageobjectThis object and its fields contain daily usage breakdown for a project.
daily_project_usage.project_idstringThe unique identifier for this project.
daily_project_usage.usagearrayThis array contains the usage information.
daily_project_usage.usage.datedate (ISO 8601)The date for which the usage is returned.
daily_project_usage.usage.usagestringThe project usage for a day.
daily_client_app_usagearrayThis object and its fields contain daily usage breakdown per client app.
daily_client_app_usage.usagearrayThis array contains the usage information.
daily_client_app_usage.usage.datedate (ISO 8601)The date for which the usage is returned.
daily_client_app_usage.usage.usagestringThe project usage for a day.