

The metrics field allows developers to access public and private engagement metrics for Post and media objects. Public metrics are accessible by anyone with a developer account while private metrics are accessible from owned/authorized accounts (definition below). By metrics, we mean the total count of impressions, Retweets, Quote Tweets, likes, replies, video views, video view quartiles, URL and profile link clicks for each Post specified in the request. There is also the option to view a breakdown of metrics earned in an organic or promoted context, if the Post was promoted as an Ad.

Public metrics can be requested with App only Token authentication. Non-public metrics can be requested for owned/authorized Posts only. This means developers are required to authenticate using OAuth 2.0 or OAuth 1.0a user context authorization.

Non-public, organic, and promoted metrics are only available for Posts that have been created within the last 30 days.


  • Authorized account: X account that has authorized your X developer app by granting it access to that account (any app permission level will permit access to Post metrics). This can be achieved using the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE or 3-legged OAuth process.
  • Owned account: X account linked to your X developer app.
  • Public metrics: Metrics’ totals that are available for anyone to access on X, such as number of likes and number of Retweets.
  • Non-public metrics: Metrics’ totals that are not available for anyone to view on X, such as number of impressions and video view quartiles. Requires OAuth 2.0 or OAuth 1.0a user context authentication.
  • Organic metrics: Grouping of public and non-public metrics attributed to an organic context (posted and viewed in a regular manner). Requires OAuth 2.0 or OAuth 1.0a user context authentication.
  • Promoted metrics: Grouping of public and non-public metrics attributed to a promoted context (posted or viewed as part of an Ads campaign). Requires OAuth 2.0 or OAuth 1.0a user context authentication and that the Post was promoted in an Ad. Promoted metrics are not included in these counts when a X user is using their own Ads account to promote another X user's Posts. Promoted metrics are included in these counts when:
    • a X user promotes their own Posts
    • in an Ads account for a specific handle, the admin for that account may add another X user as an account user so this second account user can promote Posts for the handle


Available Metrics

Metric API Representations Description
Impressions data.non_public_metrics.impression_count



A count of how many times the Post has been viewed (not unique by user). A view is counted if any part of the Post is visible on the screen.

This is a private, or non-public, metric and always requires OAuth 1.0a User Context authentication.

Using the non_public_metrics field, this returns the total count of impressions from both organic and paid contexts.

Using the organic_metrics field, this returns the count of impressions from organic contexts.

Using the promoted_metrics field, this returns the count of impressions from promoted contexts.

Retweets data.public_metrics.retweet_count



A count of how many times the Post has been Retweeted. Please note: This does not include Quote Tweets (“Retweets with comment”). To get the "Retweets and comments" total as displayed on the X clients, simply add retweet_count and quote_count.

Using the public_metrics field, this will return the total count of Retweets from both organic and paid contexts, in order to maintain consistency with the counts shown publicly on X.

Using the organic_metrics field, this returns the total count of Retweets from organic contexts.

Using the promoted_metrics field, this returns the total count of Retweets from paid contexts.

Quote Tweets data.public_metrics.quote_count

A count of how many times the Post has been Retweeted with a new comment (message). Please note: This does not include Retweets. To get the “Retweets and comments” total as displayed on the X clients, simply add retweet_count and quote_count.

This will return the total count of Quote Tweets. There are no Quote Tweets from a paid context so all Quote Tweets are organic.

Likes data.public_metrics.like_count



A count of how many times the Post has been liked.

Using the public_metrics field, this will return the total count of likes from both organic and paid contexts, in order to maintain consistency with the counts shown publicly on X.

Using the organic_metrics field, this returns the total count of Retweets from organic contexts.

Using the promoted_metrics field, this returns the total count of Retweets from paid contexts.

Replies data.public_metrics.reply_count



A count of how many times the Post has been replied to.

Using the public_metrics field, this will return the total count of replies from both organic and paid contexts, in order to maintain consistency with the counts shown publicly on X.

Using the organic_metrics field, this returns the total count of replies from organic contexts.

Using the promoted_metrics field, this returns the total count of replies from paid contexts.

URL Link Clicks data.non_public_metrics.url_link_clicks



A count of the number of times a user clicks on a URL link or URL preview card in a Post.

This is a private, or non-public, metric and always requires OAuth 1.0a User Context authentication.

Using the non_public_metrics field, this returns the total count of URL link clicks from both organic and paid contexts.

Using the organic_metrics field, this returns the count of URL link clicks from organic contexts.

Using the promoted_metrics field, this returns the count of URL link clicks from paid contexts.

User Profile Clicks data.non_public_metrics.user_profile_clicks



A count of the number of times a user clicks the following portions of a Post: display name, user name, profile picture.

This is a private, or non-public, metric and always requires OAuth 1.0a User Context authentication.

Using the non_public_metrics field, this returns the total count of user profile clicks from both organic and paid contexts.

Using the organic_metrics field, this returns the count of user profile clicks from organic contexts.

Using the promoted_metrics field, this returns the count of user profile clicks from paid contexts.

Video views

A count of how many times the video included in the Post has been viewed.

This is the number of video views aggregated across all Posts in which the given video has been posted. That means that the metric includes the combined views from any instance where the video has been Retweeted or reposted in separate Posts.

Use expansion for media objects, expansions=attachment.media_keys.

Using the public_metrics field, this returns the total count of video views from both organic and paid contexts, in order to maintain consistency with the counts shown publicly on X.

Using the organic_metrics field, this returns the total count of video views from organic contexts.

Using the promoted_metrics field, this returns the total count of video views from paid contexts.

Video view quartiles

The number of users who played through to each quartile in a video. This reflects the number of quartile views across all Posts in which the given video has been posted.

This is a private, or non-public, metric and always requires OAuth 1.0a User Context authentication.

Use expansion for media objects, expansions=attachment.media_keys.

Using the non_public_metrics field, this returns the total count of video view quartiles from both organic and paid contexts.

Using the organic_metrics field, this returns the total count of video view quartiles from organic contexts.

Using the promoted_metrics field, this returns the total count of video view quartiles from paid contexts.

Requesting metrics

Public metrics

In the following request, we are requesting public metrics on the Post and on the attached video with the following fields and expansion. Be sure to replace $BEARER_TOKEN with your own generated bearer token.

  • tweet.fields=public_metrics
  • expansions=attachments.media_keys&media.fields=public_metrics


Sample Request

      curl '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer $BEARER_TOKEN'


Sample Response

    "data": [
            "id": "1204084171334832128",
            "text": "Tired of reading? We’ve got you covered. Learn about the capabilities of the Account Activity API in this video walkthrough with @tonyv00 from our DevRel team. 🍿 ⬇️",
            "public_metrics": {
                "retweet_count": 9,
                "reply_count": 2,
                "like_count": 49,
                "quote_count": 1
            "attachments": {
                "media_keys": [
    "includes": {
        "media": [
                "media_key": "13_1204080851740315648",
                "public_metrics": {
                    "view_count": 1808
                "type": "video"


Private metrics (non-public, organic metrics)

In the following request, we are requesting non-public metrics with more details or organic metrics, meaning which of these metrics were generated in an organic context, on the Post and attached video with the following fields and expansion. Since these fields are private (not available to view on,Requires OAuth 2.0 or OAuth 1.0a user context authentication. is required for the request. Check out our guide that explains how to generate the OAuth 1.0a signature sampled below.

  • tweet.fields=non_public_metrics,organic_metrics
  • expansions=attachments.media_keys&media.fields=non_public_metrics,organic_metrics

Sample Request

      curl ',organic_metrics&media.fields=non_public_metrics,organic_metrics&expansions=attachments.media_keys'
--header 'authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="CONSUMER_API_KEY", oauth_nonce="OAUTH_NONCE", oauth_signature="OAUTH_SIGNATURE", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="OAUTH_TIMESTAMP", oauth_token="ACCESS_TOKEN", oauth_version="1.0"'

Sample Response

  "data": {
    "attachments": {
      "media_keys": [
    "id": "1263145271946551300",
    "non_public_metrics": {
      "impression_count": 956,
      "url_link_clicks": 9,
       "user_profile_clicks": 34
    "organic_metrics": {
      "impression_count": 956,
      "like_count": 49,
      "reply_count": 2,
      "retweet_count": 9,
      "url_link_clicks": 9,
       "user_profile_clicks": 34
    "text": "test"
  "includes": {
    "media": [
        "media_key": "13_1204080851740315648",
        "non_public_metrics": {
          "playback_0_count": 0,
          "playback_100_count": 1,
          "playback_25_count": 2,
          "playback_50_count": 1,
          "playback_75_count": 1
        "organic_metrics": {
          "playback_0_count": 0,
          "playback_100_count": 1,
          "playback_25_count": 2,
          "playback_50_count": 1,
          "playback_75_count": 1,
          "view_count": 1
        "type": "video"