Securing webhooks

Securing webhooks

X's webhook-based APIs provide two methods for confirming the security of your webhook server:

  1. The challenge-response checks enable X to confirm the ownership of the web app receiving webhook events. 
  2. The signature header in each POST request enables you to confirm that X is the source of the incoming webhooks.

Challenge-Response Checks 

In order to verify that you are both the owner of the app and the webhook URL, X will perform a Challenge-Response Check (CRC), which is not to be confused with a cyclic redundancy check. When a CRC is sent, X will make a GET request of your web app with a ;crc_token parameter. When that request is received, your web app needs to build an encrypted response_token based on the crc_token parameter and your app's Consumer Secret (details below). The response_token must be encoded in JSON (see example below) and returned within three seconds. When successful, a webhook id will be returned. 

A CRC will be sent when you register your webhook URL, so implementing your CRC response code is a fundamental first step. Once your webhook is established, X will trigger a CRC roughly every 24 hours from the last time we received a successful response. Your app can also trigger a CRC when needed by making a PUT request with your webhook id. Triggering a CRC is useful as you develop your webhook application, after deploying new code and restarting your service. 

The crc_token should be expected to change for each incoming CRC request and should be used as the message in the calculation, where your Consumer Secret is the key.

In the event that the response is not posted within 3 seconds or becomes invalid, events will cease to be sent to the registered webhook.

The CRC request will occur:

  • When a webhook URL is registered.
  • Approximately hourly to validate your webhook URL.
  • You can manually trigger a CRC by making a PUT request. As you develop your webhook client, you should plan on manually triggering the CRC as you develop your CRC response. 

Response requirements:

  • A base64 encoded HMAC SHA-256 hash created from the crc_token and your app Consumer Secret
  • Valid response_token and JSON format.
  • Latency less than 3 seconds.
  • 200 HTTP response code.

Language-specific HMAC libraries:

Example response token generation in Python:

The following defines a route in a Python 2.7 Flask webapp that will respond to the challenge response check correctly.

import base64
import hashlib
import hmac
import json

# Defines a route for the GET request
@app.route('/webhooks/twitter', methods=['GET'])
def webhook_challenge():

  # creates HMAC SHA-256 hash from incomming token and your consumer secret
  sha256_hash_digest =, msg=request.args.get('crc_token'), digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()

  # construct response data with base64 encoded hash
  response = {
    'response_token': 'sha256=' + base64.b64encode(sha256_hash_digest)

  # returns properly formatted json response
  return json.dumps(response)


Example JSON response:

With the route defined as above your webapp should return a response similar to below when navigating to https://your-app-domain/webhooks/twitter?crc_token=foo in your web browser.

  "response_token": "sha256=x0mYd8hz2goCTfcNAaMqENy2BFgJJfJOb4PdvTffpwg="


Other examples:

  • HERE is an example CRC response method written in Node/JS.
  • HERE is an example CRC response method written in Ruby (see the generate_crc_response and the /GET route that receives CRC events).

Optional signature header validation

When receiving a POST request from X, sending a GET request to create a webhook, or sending a GET request to perform a manual CRC, a hash signature will be passed in the headers as x-twitter-webhooks-signature. This signature can be used to validate the source of the data is X. The POST hash signature starts with sha256= indicating the use of HMAC SHA-256 to encrypt your X App Consumer Secret and payload. The GET hash is calculated from the query parameter string crc_token=$token&nonce=$nonce. 

Steps to validate a request

  1. Create a hash using your consumer secret and incoming payload body.
  2. Compare created hash with the base64 encoded x-twitter-webhooks-signature value. Use a method like compare_digest to reduce the vulnerability to timing attacks.

Additional security guidelines

The following are additional security guidelines to consider for your web application. Not having these guidelines implemented will not prevent your webhook from functioning, but are highly reccomended by the X Information Security team. If you are unfamilair with the below recommendations consult with your server administrator.

X aggregate network blocks

For added security you may wish to add the following aggregate network blocks to an allowlist:


Recommended server configurations

  • "A" rating on test
  • Enable TLS 1.2
  • Enable Forward Secrecy
  • Turn off SSLv2
  • Turn off SSLv3 (because of POODLE)
  • Turn off TLS 1.0
  • Turn off TLS 1.1
  • Turn off TLS Compression
  • Turn off Session Tickets unless you rotate session ticket keys.
  • Set the “ssl_prefer_server_ciphers” or “SSLHonorCipherOrder” option in the SSL Configuration “on”.
  • Ensure the list of ciphers is a modern list such as:


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