
This tutorials page includes those tutorials that discuss the Twitter Ads API endpoints and the tools used to access those endpoints. If you would like to see all of the Twitter Developer Platform's tutorials, please visit the platform "Tutorials" page.



Twitter Ads API

Ads API: Hierarchy and terminology

Review the basics of the Twitter Ads object hierarchy as well as the relationship between these objects.

Getting started with Postman

Learn how to start using Postman to make requests to the Twitter API and Twitter Ads API

Promoting another user's Tweets

Creating a campaign

Learn how to use twurl to create your first campaign and line item with targeting criteria in the Sandbox environment.

Create and view a Scheduled Tweet

Learn how to create and view a Scheduled Tweet using twurl.

Uploading video and creating a draft Tweet

Learn how to use twurl to upload a video and use this to create a video app card and Draft Tweet

Creating a Video Pre-roll Campaign

Using Twurl

Learn how to use twurl to make requests to the Twitter Ads API

Uploading Media

Learn how to use twurl to upload media to an account

Creating a Mobile App Promotion (MAP) campaign

Learn how to use twurl to create a Mobile App Promotion campaign.