Tweet caps

Twitter API v2 has a Tweet consumption cap that limits the number of Tweets that you can receive from a set of endpoints on a monthly basis. Tweet caps apply at the Project-level, meaning that any requests to the endpoints listed below using the keys and tokens from developer Apps within that Project will count towards the Project Tweet cap. 

Limited v2 endpoints

Tweets you receive from any of the following endpoints count towards this monthly Tweet cap:


If the same Tweet is returned from multiple queries during a day, then the Tweet is only counted once against the tweet cap - i.e, the Tweets are deduplicated.

Dedupe Counter gets reset on a daily basis.

Tweet cap volumes

The Tweet cap volume depends on your access level:

Free tier 1,500 Tweets per month
Basic tier 10,000 Tweets per month
Pro tier 1,000,000 Tweets per month
Enterprise tier 50+ million Tweets per month

You can check your usage towards the monthly Tweet cap by viewing the main dashboard page in the developer portal. Under the name of your Project, you'll see a status bar that illustrates your current month’s usage in relation to the Tweet cap. You will also see the number of Tweets you pulled this month, the percentage of Tweets used in relation to the cap, and the date your Tweet cap usage resets.