The app management dashboard

If you have existing Twitter apps, you can view and edit your apps via the Twitter app dashboard if you are logged into your Twitter account on
Please note: a developer account is not required to manage any and all existing apps previously created at at

If you need to create a new Twitter app, you must have an approved developer account and, if you are a member of a team account, be assigned the admin role.

Visit the Twitter app dashboard


The Twitter app dashboard allows developers to quickly and easily perform the following tasks:

  • View your existing apps and their associated app ID. 
  • Create a new app (if you have an approved developer account).
  • Delete an unused app by clicking the ellipses to the right of an app's "Details" button. 
  • Open up a specific app's settings by clicking the "Details" button. Within the settings, you can see the app details, keys and tokens, and permissions.

Please note - We will eventually require all developers to have an approved developer account to both create and manage their Twitter apps. We will provide at least 90-day notice before making this change.

App Settings

App details

Here you can edit the app icon, app name, app description, your website URL, callback URLs, terms of service URL, privacy policy URL, organization name, organization URL, and purpose of the app (i.e., the use case). You can also toggle on and off whether Sign in with Twitter is supported for this app. It is important to keep this information up to date. If you change the use case of a Twitter app, be sure to update the use case in these settings in order to ensure you are in compliance with the Developer Terms.

Keys and tokens

On the "Keys and tokens" page you can view, create, regenerate, or revoke the following tokens:


The "Permissions" page allows an app owner to adjust the permissions each app is requesting from people (read-only; read and write; or read, write and direct messages). This controls which resources and events you have access to via Twitter APIs (note: some resources require further permission from Twitter directly).

You can also toggle on and off your apps' ability to ask for user email addresses on this page (this requires a Terms of Service URL and a Privacy Policy URL to be present on the "App details" page). 

Learn more about the application permissions here.

Next Steps