
Across the Twitter API endpoints, there are a variety of objects available to request such as Tweets and users. Each GET endpoint will have a top-level resource and object, such as Tweets in recent search and filtered stream, and users in users lookup.

To see each object and it's included fields, please visit the following:

Expanded objects

Additional objects related to the top-level object, such as media, place, poll, author (user) of the Tweet, and user's pinned-Tweet are available as expansions, which you can request using the expansions query parameter. 

Fields: defaults and requesting additional fields

If you make a request without any fields parameters, you will receive just a few default fields for your top-level object and any expansion objects. For example, Tweets will return just the id and text of a Tweet by default. If you would like to request additional fields, such as the Tweet created_at or lang fields, you will have to use the fields parameters. 

Key fields

Other useful fields that you should expect in the Twitter API v2 data format:

  • Metrics available in the Tweet, user, Spaces, lists objects
  • Annotation topics available in the Tweet payload
  • A new conversation_id field to help you track Tweets included in a conversation
  • A new reply_settings field to help you understand who has the ability to reply to specific Tweets

Migrating to the Twitter API v2 data format

Interested in learning more about how the Twitter API v2 data format compares to standard, premium, or enterprises' formats? Check out our data format comparison guides: