ID Sync

ID Sync Integration

Partners sending data with a p_id must undergo an ID Sync process to generate a mapping of the advertiser or partner’s user ids to Twitter user ids. This allows advertisers to directly target their own user segments on Twitter. Partners must also set the value of the param user_identifier_type to either TALIST_PARTNER_USER_ID or TAWEB_PARTNER_USER_ID while sending their membership updates.

  • Web Only: This can be done by placing a pixel on the advertiser’s site, as outlined below.
  • List: This can be done using any of the methods described on the CRM page.


Pixel URL

Base URL


Pixel Parameters

Parameter Description
p_id Your Twitter-assigned partner id
p_user_id The user’s id in the partner system


ID Sync Pixel:

Using an example partner id of 111, and an example p_user_id of abc, the constructed pixel would be the following:

<pre class="brush: xml">
<img height="1" width="1" src="" style="display:none" />


Opt-Out File Configuration and Sending Opt-Out Files

Partners should provide Twitter with a list of users that to the partner’s best knowledge have selected to opt-out of targeted ad delivery. The format of file should be sent as:

Column Number Column Name Column Type Description
1 Partner ID string The “partner id” is the ID that Twitter provides to the Partner in order to uniquely identify each Partner.
2 The user’s id in the partner system string The p_user_id is the unique ID that is used to identify the user by the Partner. The file containing these opt-out users should be uploaded using the TON upload endpoint and the path of uploaded data should be sent to the Global Opt Out endpoint here:PUT accounts/:account_id/custom_audiences/global_opt_out.


Sending Membership Updates

As specified in our endpoint documentation, when passing users via the POST custom_audience_memberships endpoint you should pass a customer ID to enable a cookie based match. Partners sending data with a p_id must set the user_identifier_type to TALIST_PARTNER_USER_ID or TAWEB_PARTNER_USER_ID.

All other steps will remain the same as those listed in the Real-Time Audience API Integration Guide